May 12, 2020
Vicki Shillington has over 20 years experience as an executive at a Fortune 50 form. She's been a consultant at one of the "Big Five" accounting and consulting firms. She's built a reputation for leading transformation for Fortune 500 companies. She's an expert in positive psychology. And she's known for speaking her truth to high level leaders. Her clients include a $500 billion dollar corporation. And she's regularly called on to consult with start-ups (one of her passions).
Her company has created a model to lead businesses through the current economic uncertainty. She shared it with us in 4PC and blew us away with her thinking, her insights and her ideas. So, I asked her if she'd be willing to share these ideas with my whole community.
This will support YOU. And it will support YOUR CLIENTS.
The model you will learn has 3 phases – Chaos, Acceptance and the New Normal. As a leader, it's essential you identify which stage you're in, which stage your business is in and which stage your team is in.
You need to show up differently as a leader, in each stage. You need to make different decisions and take different actions, in each stage. And you must communicate differently with team members who are in another stage to you, otherwise you'll upset them and even lose them.
If you're a coach this is an incredible tool for you. And it's an excellent tool to guide and support your clients.
Love. Rich
PS. After you've listened to this episode, get in touch. Let me know your single biggest insight – and how you'll apply it.
For most of human history, it wasn’t called coaching. It was called leadership. If you’d like to learn more about our community of extraordinary top performers, go to:
Read my Playbook for coaching in Challenging Times. I wrote it for you. You were born for this moment. And we've got your back.
Join Serve, Lead, Serve – my pop-up Facebook group to support coaches, at this moment in time. I'm there most days, coaching, teaching and supporting our community.