Nov 25, 2021
Today I turn the table on my client. I tell him to ask me one
single question—the answer to which will change everything. David
lives in Scotland and has a dream to help the homeless population
in his city.
He is beating himself up for not taking more action.
So, I remind him that a goal is a place to come from, not a...
Nov 11, 2021
I know that Philippa is an extraordinary woman because from the moment she joined Transition Excellence, she drew out the leadership of others in making sure everyone had an incredible experience. When I saw her LinkedIn page, I was impressed with her track record as a leader and an educator in the corporate world...
Nov 4, 2021
Oh this was fun! You see, I start to chat to Ervine before we hit record and she makes a little joke about me mistaking her for a high-performer. I immediately ask if I can start recording because I want to illustrate something important.
Marianne Williamson captured it in her poem: "Our deepest fear is not that we are...