Oct 1, 2021
As a coach, you need to continually re-invent the way you work with clients. Over years of coaching highly successful people, I have seen that the more successful people become, the less they are able to have truly high-level conversations.
They've outgrown their peers. They're surrounded by people who are impressed with everything they do and who say yes to everything they say. And they rarely have anyone willing to challenge their thinking.
This is why I created The Thinking Partnership—because if you are super sharp you may not need deep coaching. I designed The Thinking Partnership as an unorthodox way to help highly successful leaders who don't want a year of coaching—or business owners who don't have time for weekly hour long sessions.
Thinking Partnership sessions are short, sharp and highly-focused. We schedule thirty minutes but often clients are done in ten.
Today you get to listen in on a Thinking Partnership session with Sarah.
Sarah has run a successful strategic leadership consultancy for 30 years. Her first book was published almost 25 years ago and she has a track record coaching leaders in the corporate world. How could I possibly help Sarah? The thing is, I don't need to.
In a Thinking Partnership, I listen deeply and I provoke your thinking. With a high-performer, the insights are a given! Join us while I do this for Sarah and for you, at the very same time...
Love. Rich
PS. For most of human history, it wasn’t called coaching. It was called leadership. Download an FAQ for great leaders who want to be great coaches - with a handful of high-performing, high-fee clients. https://richlitvin.com/rules